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Historical Back To The Bible Hour Radio Documents
in PDF format.

(Large files necessary to preserve the original clarity of the documents. Be patient for the download to take place.)

The Five Heard Most On Radio Show: (ca. 1931)
Lower Row ( l to r) Dr. Imrie ( Pastor ) Dean Aberhart (Lecturer)
Ernest Manning (Insitute Teacher)
Standing Miss Muriel Preston, L.A.B. (our efficient pianist)
Mrs. M. McElroy, (well known Cornetist)
Note that Muriel Preston would become Ernest's Wife some seven years later. (Closeup Below).

Click to Hear Cyril Hutchison as he talks about
the early years of hearing Aberhart preaching in the Grand Theatre
and plays a later recording of Aberhart's Preaching - MP3

Notice use of Oratorical Dramatic Voice and Emphatic use of
the pulpit wood acoustics.

Radio Notice of Aberhart's Death - Federal - pdf

Muriel Preston as Pianist - ca. 1931

Muriel Preston at the Piano

Lecturer and Staff Member
Calgary Prophetic Bible Inst and Radio Program

Calgary Prophetic Bible
Institute Choir

Front Row (Sitting): Catherine Gorrie, Mrs. Dodds, Mrs. Clarke,
Mrs. Greaves, Elsie Read, Mrs. Wormald, Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Gordon.
Second Row (Standing) : Miss Williams, Kathleen Bulmer, Margaret Dyson, Alice Eby, Marion Bulmer, Mrs. Randall, Mrs. Perkins,
Berry Harvey.
Top Row (Standing) : F. Funston, Charles Aked, Penard Hauge, Mr. Cooper, Mr.George Walker, Mr. Randall, Mr.Charles Underwood, Dr. Clarke, and Charles Pearce.

Back to the bible hour musicians
from those who knew them

Back To The Bible Hour Musicians
Gospel Road - March 11th, 2012 - mp3 - 1 hr.

As We Remember Them
A Back to the Bible Audio Journey
of the Musicians and Music of the Broadcast - mp3 56mins.

and Introductions to Aberhart's preaching of September
12th, 1937 by Ernest Manning and Charles Peace

WillIam Aberhart Radio Preaching
Starting in November of 1924 from the Palace Theatre in Calgary
the Back to the Bible Hour on CFCN was an outgrowth of the lecture meetings of Aberhart Prophetic Bible Conference. More details and documents are found lower down on this page

MoneyChangers In The Temple - 1 hr
Gospel Road, January 10th, 2010

William Aberhart On Mixing Religion With Politics
& Bible Distinctions on Jew, Gentile, and the Church - 1hr.

Gospel Road, September 12th, 2010

The Monetary Cause of Wars and Their Remedy
featuring William Aberhart, John Blackmore,
1941 Federal Canadian Election
and Clifford Douglas 1935 - 1hr.

Gospel Road, May 22nd, 2011



William aberhart sermon notes - PDF's

aberhart written sermons



William Aberhart's Massive Prophesy Wall Chart (Below)

which accompanied his lectures to both live and radio audiences in both the Palace Theatre and the Calgary Prophetic Bible Institute. It measures 16.7 feet long by 4.5 feet tall. (Click Image to See Large Size)

Download Prophesy Chart in
11 x 17 inch format for Printing - pdf
( Includes Legend Notes from William Aberhart )

Aberhart's Pioneer Use Of Radio
Effective in Power and Hours
- pdf.
In 1937 - Aberhart Programs on CFCN totaled
four hours each Sunday!

Samples Of Aberhart's Handwritten Radio
Programs from 1933. -pdf

(Given to Ian F. Smith
in 1982 by Mrs. Muriel Manning.)

Our Glory Train Song
was Often the Closing Theme of the Broadcast

- pdf


Back to the Bible Club Souvenir Treasure Chest


Family Altar League Certificate for Listeners
Back to the Bible Hour

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The Ernest Manning led
Years of the Broadcast
June 1943 - 1990 ?

The Program Was eventually renamed to Canada's National Bible Hour
and remains as such on the half-hour
broadcasts today.
(In Calgary Area on AM1140 Radio High River
Alberta at 8:30 am each Sunday )
The first Sunday of Each Month stills has
a recorded Ernest Manning giving the message.

ernest Manning radio pamplets
Why Did He Come?

Captital Punishment

economic security
Ernest focuses in on the story of
Joseph Administering the
famine of 7 years and compares it
to what happens to people when
all their security is dependent on the State. ( written during the time
of Anwar Sadat in Eygpt when he made peace with Israel . 1979-81 )

Middle East Conflict
December 1973 - pdf

Manning View of Second
- pdf

Ernest and Muriel Speakers
at the Aug. 4th, 1951 Dinner
of the Christian Business Men's
at the Vancouver Hotel.


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Muriel Manning As Musical director
of Back to the Bible Hour

Muriel Manning's Music Teacher was the renowned
Annie Glen Broder who also taught Bible Hour violinist
Mary Shortt. ( see below ) The quality of music
on the broadcasts was always of a high standard.
Annie Glen Broder was instrumental in bringing the
prestigious Associated Board of Royal Schools to establish a musical examination branch in Calgary as a branch to Calgary.

Annie Glen Broder

See Jennifer Hamblin's Article on the Associated Board
in the Summer 2009 edition of Alberta History.
( Vol. 57, No. 3 )

In the 1934 Annual Meeting Booklet of the
Canadian Medical Associaton, which met in Calgary that year,
Annie Glen Broder wrote the article
Calgary as a Centre of Musical Culture. - pdf.
Training from such British trained professionals was responsible for the high quality of musical talent that the Bible Hour had to draw upon in Calgary after the start in 1925.

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Back to the bible hour music

14. Of Answered Prayer - Violin solo by Mary Shortt
15. Abide, and Keep On Abiding - alto solo
16. Yielded Lord To Thee - alto
17. The Love Of God - Mary Diver
18. Someday He'll Make It Plain
19. Down By The Riverside - Ambassador Quintet
20. The Beautiful City of God - alto
21. Fairest Lord Jesus - Mary Diver
22. I Heard The Voice Of Jesus - Instr Violin Mary Shortt with Ernest Manning voicing verse.
23. Blessed Is He That Readeth - Ambassador Quintet


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radio Sunday School Mission

These Original Aberhart
Lessons are still ministrying in updated form
by UB David
& I'll B Johnathan

mailing from Calgary
"God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh." Hebrews 11:4 KJV
More Radio Sunday School Lessons

The Lost Sheep
The Finding of the Coin
The Ninety and Nine - pdf

Radio Sunday School

Radio Sunday School Workers ca. 1930
Top Row (Standing) George Walker, Mrs. Walker, Dean Aberhart,
Mrs. Randall, Charles Pearce (Superindendent)
Bottom Row (Sitting) Mrs. Capocci, Mrs. Hodgkinson, Miss Way,
Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Pearce

Award Poster for Radio Sunday School.

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Mass Rallies of
Canada Nation-Wide
Back To the bible hour

In Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Vancouver
from June to August 1951

Ernest Manning Speaks at Winnipeg Rally while Mary Shortt Plays Violin in Background - June 10th, 1951
Winnepeg Municipal Auditorium
(Click Here to See Larger Picture Size)

Rally Souvenir Program & Winnipeg Poster - pdf

1952 Special Edition of Back To The Bible Hour Classics
on 78

Music of the Male Chorus of Canada's
National Back To The Bible Hour on 33-1/3 speed (45 size)

Selected Radio Music Cover and Related Photos ( Large File) pdf


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Mary Lesingham Shortt
Violinist On Canada's
National Bible Hour
Jan. 22, 1918 - Oct. 23rd, 2009

mARY'S Selected rADIO vIOLIN sOLOS (Mp3)

The Lord's Prayer

He Always Say, I Forgive

Peace In The Valley

Mary's Promo for 1951 Back to the
Bible Hour Mass Radio Rallies
- pdf

Mary Shortt performs during one of her many
summers with the Jean Cotton string trio at the
Banff Springs Hotel

(Jean Cotton's name is in the Westbourne baptist
youth group list in the Cheer Up in 1925, where
Muriel Preston and Ernest Manning attended.)

Mary Shortt Funeral - Order of Service - pdf

Mary Shortt - News Clippings of
Early Life, Training In England
Teaching, Students, & Performance
in Calgary - pdf

Mary Shortt began her musical education in piano at home
under her mother, Mrs. Lesingham Shortt, then under

Annie Glen Broder ( see above ) and also with
the guidance of Grigori Garbovitsky, Founder and first
Conductor of the Calgary Symphony Orchestra.
Her earliest appearance on the Back to the Bible Hour
is still being researched.

Grigori Garbovitsky


Accomplished Baritone Ian Smith
Sang with His Wife Marion on
Both Aberhart and Manning Era's

Marion & Ian Smith
Ian as well as being a well known Baritone
on the Back to the Bible Hour under both
Aberhart and Manning and in Calgary's music
scene also served as VicePresident of the
Alberta Social Credit League and President
of the Calgary Area Council of SC.

Contra-Alto Marion Smith sings a closing
theme invitational - Come As You Are - mp3

See Eva Reid and Jack Peach Articles on Ian Here.

1950's Bible Hour Tour Picture


Madge Thomas ( Clarke )

Madge Also Played the Aberhart Memorial
Organ at the Prophetic Bible Institute.
She married a quartet member named Earle
Carke. See Her Family Bio

William Aberhart began his citywide ministry under the Prophetic Bible Conference organization, starting in the small Westbourne Baptist Church in Calgary. (see Church Histories below ) Increasing crowds, hungry for the authoritative teaching of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, prompted him to move to ever larger facilities (Grand Theatre)until the 2,000 seat Palace Theatre was being filled to capacity every Sunday afternoon.

With the persuasion of W.R. Grant, owner of the powerful CFCN Calgary radio station, he began to broadcast his service in 1925, and soon was reaching an audience of thousands of enthusiastic listerners.
Along with the broadcast of his sermons and the music going along with them
, he also started the Radio Sunday School Mission, a mail-out version of Sunday School lessons which also reached thousand of homes over the years.

Palace Theatre History

Grand Theatre History

the Preacher
Aberhart Page Index

Churches where Aberhart
was in Leadership
or a Founder

Westbourne Baptist